High School Credit Awarded Prior to Grade 9
Credit-Bearing Classes Taken in 8th Grade
Students in 8th grade are permitted to take Algebra I for credit. All students in 8th grade are required to take the College and Careers class, which also bears high school credit.
In order to earn high school credit, the student must have a grade of C- or higher in the class each semester. The grade from this class will count in the student’s high school GPA, and will be used in determining class rank throughout the student’s high school career.
A student earning an F, D-, D, or D+ may retake the class one time (either during summer school or freshman year). The grade originally earned from the class will remain on the student’s transcript, but the grade will not count in the student’s GPA. The grade earned from the second attempt at the class will appear on the student’s transcript and will count in the student’s GPA. Credit cannot be awarded for both the first and second attempts at the same class.
Updated IDOE guidance on High School Credit for Courses Completed Prior to Grade 9 June 3, 2015