Kouts School
766-2231 ext 4312
The guidance department provides a variety of services to help the students to be prepared for their goals after high school.
Among the services provided are:
Program Planning: The guidance department tries to help each student appraise his/her abilities and then plan a high school program that will help his/her vocational and educational choices.
Post-High School Education: There is extensive information (entrance requirements, addresses, costs, scholarships) on four-year colleges, trade schools, technical schools, business schools, correspondence and home study courses available.
Career Awareness: The guidance office has a number of books and resources available about careers. Also, available are several computer-based occupational searches. These systems match potential interests with potential careers.
Personal/Social: The door is always open to students with any personal concerns. Referrals are recommended when deemed necessary.
Academic Monitoring: Students are monitored as to how they are doing academically. Progress reports, assignment sheets, study skills, etc., are provided. Students can also obtain their GPA, class rank, credits, test scores, etc.
Click Here for academic guidance, including Indiana’s Graduation Requirements.
Kouts School
766-2231 ext 4312
Morgan Township
462-5883 ext 3306
Washington Township
464-3598 ext 5367