
Good Morning Cherokees!     

Welcome back for Tuesday,  October 22nd, 2024

Attention Cherokees! Your yearbook needs you!

We are hosting an art competition and want YOU to participate and get featured in the yearbook! The winner will receive a gift card in addition to the honor of their art getting featured prominently in this year's Chieftain. Contact Dana Abbring (editor) or Ms. Thompson (adviser) by Friday, November 1st to be entered and receive contest guidelines. Help make our yearbook SUPER!

Also, don’t forget to dress up for Purple Out Day this Wednesday! You will have a chance to win a $50.00 Culver gift card. We’ll announce the winner of the raffle and the best purple outfit on that day. We look forward to seeing you at our Purple Pinky station!

Thank you! In other news… 

There will be a freshman girls cheerleading call out meeting - Wednesday at lunch in room D113

Lunch: French toast, cheesy egg omelet, hash browns and fruit juice

Choice: Biscuits and gravy

Officer: Bauer